Monday, November 30, 2009

Quote 3; Book 3

Book 3 (p. 107-108) (lines 14- 22)

"Telemachus climbed out last, with Athena far in front and the bright-eyed goddess urged the prince along: "Telemachus, no more shyness, this is not the time! We sailed the seas for this, for news of your father-where does he lie buried? What fate did he meet? So go right up to Nestor, breaker of horses. We'll make him yield the secrets of his heart. Press him yourself to tell the whole truth: he'll never lie- the man is far too wise."



In this part of the poem, Athena is disguised as Mentes and has traveled with Telemachus to gain some information about his father, Odysseus. She is encouraging him, telling him he traveled all this way for a purpose and shouldn't let anything hold him back. 

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